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Dash to Done

Dash to Done


20 x 20 inch a.k.a.51 x 51 cm (1.5 inch frame stretched canvas)


It’s simple, it’s a dash of color to your office or bedroom.  But it’s the product of being creatively drained and on a deadline.  The final piece painted of the 2023 collection.  When I worked in the corporate world, I liked deadlines.  It kept my attention from wandering too far into random thoughts, much like you see in the descriptions of my other pieces.  With true creativity there can be no expectation.  I can still make something that looks cool and defined as art, but genuine creativity is like a case of the hiccups.  You don’t know why this is coming out of you suddenly and you have very little control of when it will stop.  But it does.

SKU: 042023
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